Oh, hi there! Thanks for getting in touch.
Overload Warning: I get quite a few emails these days, and in real life I’m just a semi-retired family man with no staff or personal assistants. So unfortunately, I am only able to respond to a small portion of the messages. But I will still have time to read every one, and I’d love to hear from you. Sometimes I get a chance to publish stories from readers, so if something can be shared, let me know.
Interviews and Creative Collaborations: The goal of this blog is to reach as many people as possible and help them live better, healthier, less materialistic lives. So I make a point of saying yes to most invitations to work on written stories with the bigger established newspapers and magazines, as long as the writer seems to get what we’re doing here and they are working on a full story rather than just a “3 tips from bloggers to save money this year” tidbit.